We recommend making use of virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
mkvirtualenv my_env
workon my_env
Installation Instructions¶
After setting up virtualenv, installation is as easy as:
workon my_env
pip install flask-user==0.6.15
- Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+
- Flask 0.10+
- Flask-Login 0.2+
- Flask-Mail 0.9+ or Flask-Sendmail
- Flask-WTF 0.9+
- passlib 1.6+
- pycrypto 2.6+
- py-bcript 0.4+ # Recommended for speed, and only if bcrypt is used to hash passwords
When using the included SQLAlchemyAdapter, Flask-User requires:
- Flask-SQLAlchemy 1.0+ (with a driver such as MySQL-Python or PyMySQL)
Optional requirements for Event Notification:
- blinker 1.3+
Optional requirements for Internationalization:
- Flask-Babel 0.9+
- speaklater 1.3+