UserManager Class

The UserManager class implements most of the Flask-User functionality.

Flask-User can be customized by extending or overriding any of the methods listed below.

class UserManager(app, db, UserClass, **kwargs)

Customizable User Authentication and Management.

  • app (Flask) – The Flask application instance.
  • db – An Object-Database Mapper instance such as SQLAlchemy or MongoEngine.
  • UserClass – The User class (not an instance!).
Keyword Arguments:
  • UserEmailClass – The optional UserEmail class (not an instance!). Required for the ‘multiple emails per user’ feature.
  • UserInvitationClass – The optional UserInvitation class (not an instance!). Required for the ‘register by invitation’ feature.


user_manager = UserManager(app, db, User, UserEmailClass=UserEmail)

Customizable UserManager methods

Override this method to customize properties.


# Customize Flask-User
class CustomUserManager(UserManager):

    def customize(self, app):

        # Add custom managers and email mailers here
        self.email_manager = CustomEmailManager(app)
        self.password_manager = CustomPasswordManager(app)
        self.token_manager = CustomTokenManager(app)
        self.email_adapter = CustomEmailAdapter(app)

# Setup Flask-User
user_manager = CustomUserManager(app, db, User)
password_validator(form, field)

Ensure that passwords have at least 6 characters with one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number.

Override this method to customize the password validator.

username_validator(form, field)

Ensure that Usernames contains at least 3 alphanumeric characters.

Override this method to customize the username validator.