.. _ConfiguringSettings: Configuring settings ==================== .. include:: includes/submenu_defs.rst .. include:: includes/customizing_submenu.rst -------- Flask-User default features and settings can overridden through the app config:: # Customize Flask-User settings USER_ENABLE_EMAIL = True USER_ENABLE_USERNAME = False Flask-User settings ------------------- Below is a complete list of configurable Flask-User settings and their defaults. Note: Ignore the `__Settings` part of the class name. It's a trick we use to split the code and docs across several files. .. autoclass:: flask_user.user_manager__settings.UserManager__Settings :private-members: :noindex: To keep the code base simple and robust, we offer no easy way to change the '/user' base URLs or the '/flask_user' base directories in bulk. Please copy them from this page, then use your editor to bulk-change these settings. -------- .. include:: includes/submenu_defs.rst .. include:: includes/customizing_submenu.rst