Misc ==== Status ------ | Flask-User |release| is quite stable and is used in production environments. | It is marked as a Beta release because the API is subject to small changes. | We appreciate it if you would enter issues and enhancement requests into the `Flask-User Issue Tracker `_. .. .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/Flask-User.svg .. :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-User .. .. .. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/lingthio/Flask-User.svg .. :target: https://travis-ci.org/lingthio/Flask-User .. .. .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/Flask-User.svg .. :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-User Demo ---- The `Flask-User Demo `_ showcases Flask-User. To protect against spam mis-use, all email features have been disabled. (If you're the first visitor in the last hour, it may take a few seconds for Heroku to start this service) Contact Information ------------------- Ling Thio - ling.thio [at] gmail.com Feeling generous? `Tip me on Gittip `_ Revision History ---------------- * v1.0.0 Initial version Extension Packages ------------------ We plan to offer the following Flask-User extensions in the future: * Flask-User-Profiles: View profile, Edit profile, Upload profile picture * Flask-User-Social: Login via Google, Facebook and Twitter authentication Acknowledgements ---------------- This project would not be possible without the use of the following amazing offerings: * `Flask `_ * `Flask-BabelEx `_ and `Flask-Babel `_ * `Flask-Login `_ * `Flask-Mail `_ * `SQLAlchemy `_ and `Flask-SQLAlchemy `_ * `WTForms `_ and `Flask-WTF `_ Contributors ------------ - https://github.com/neurosnap : Register by invitation only - https://github.com/lilac : Chinese translation - https://github.com/cranberyxl : Bugfix for login_endpoint & macros.label - https://github.com/markosys : Early testing and feedback Customize ========= Flask-User has been designed with full customization in mind, and and here is a list of behaviors that can be customized as needed: * `Emails`_ * `Registration Form`_ * `Labels and Messages`_ * `Form Templates`_ * `View functions`_ * `Password and Username validators`_ * `Password hashing`_ * `Token generation`_ Labels and Messages ------------------- The following can be customized by editing the English Babel translation file: * Flash messages (one-time system messages) * Form field labels * Validation messages See :doc:`internationalization` Registration Form ----------------- We recommend asking for as little information as possible during user registration, and to only prompt new users for additional information *after* the registration process has been completed. Some Websites, however, do want to ask for additional information in the registration form itself. Flask-User (v0.4.5 and up) has the capability to store extra registration fields in the User or the UserProfile records. **Extra registration fields in the User data-model** Extra fields must be defined in the User data-model:: class User(db.Model, UserMixin): __tablename__ = 'users' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) is_enabled = db.Column(db.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False) email = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, default='') password = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, default='') # Extra data-model fields first_name = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False, default='') last_name = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False, default='') def is_active(self): return self.is_enabled db_adapter = SQLAlchemyAdapter(db, UserClass=User) A custom RegisterForm must be defined with field names **exactly matching** the names of the data-model fields:: class MyRegisterForm(RegisterForm): first_name = StringField('First name', validators=[DataRequired('First name is required')]) last_name = StringField('Last name', validators=[DataRequired('Last name is required')]) user_manager = UserManager(db_adapter, app, register_form=MyRegisterForm) A custom ``templates/flask_user/register.html`` file must be copied and defined with the extra fields. See :ref:`customizingformtemplates`. When a new user submits the Register form, Flask-User examines the field names of the form and the User data-model. For each matching field name, the form field value will be stored in the corresponding User field. `See Github repository; example_apps/register_form_app `_ **Extra registration fields in UserProfile data-model** * Add extra fields to the User data-model * Extend a custom MyRegisterForm class from the built-in flask_user.forms.RegisterForm class. * Add extra fields to the form **using identical field names**. * Specify your custom registration form: ``user_manager = UserManager(db_adapter, app, register_form=MyRegisterForm)`` * Copy the built-in ``templates/flask_user/register.html`` to your application's templates/flask_user directory. * Add the extra form fields to register.html .. _customizingformtemplates: Form Templates -------------- Forms are generated using Flask Jinja2 template files. Flask will first look for template files in the application's ``templates`` directory before looking in Flask-User's ``templates`` directory. Forms can thus be customized by copying the built-in Form template files from the Flask-User directory to your application's directory and editing the new copy. Flask-User typically installs in the ``flask_user`` sub-directory of the Python packages directory. The location of this directory depends on Python, virtualenv and pip and can be determined with the following command:: python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib();" Let's assume that: * The Python packages dir is: ``~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/`` * The Flask-User dir is: ``~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_user/`` * Your app directory is: ``~/path/to/YOURAPP/YOURAPP`` (your application directory typically contains the 'static' and 'templates' sub-directories). Forms can be customized by copying the form template files like so:: cd ~/path/to/YOURAPP/YOURAPP mkdir -p templates/flask_user cp ~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_user/templates/flask_user/*.html templates/flask_user/. and by editing the copies to your liking. The following form template files resides in the ``templates`` directory and can be customized:: base.html # root template flask_user/_authorized_base.html # extends base.html flask_user/change_password.html # extends flask_user/_authorized_base.html flask_user/change_username.html # extends flask_user/_authorized_base.html flask_user/manage_emails.html # extends flask_user/_authorized_base.html flask_user/edit_user_profile.html # extends flask_user/_authorized_base.html flask_user/_public_base.html # extends base.html flask_user/forgot_password.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html flask_user/login.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html flask_user/login_or_register.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html flask_user/register.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html flask_user/request_email_confirmation.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html flask_user/reset_password.html # extends flask_user/_public_base.html If you'd like the Login form and the Register form to appear on one page, you can use the following application config settings:: # Place the Login form and the Register form on one page: # Only works for Flask-User v0.4.9 and up USER_LOGIN_TEMPLATE = 'flask_user/login_or_register.html' USER_REGISTER_TEMPLATE = 'flask_user/login_or_register.html' Password and Username Validators -------------------------------- Flask-User comes standard with a password validator (at least 6 chars, 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 digit) and with a username validator (at least 3 characters in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._"). Custom validators can be specified by setting an property on the Flask-User's UserManager object:: from wtforms.validators import ValidationError def my_password_validator(form, field): password = field.data if len(password) < 8: raise ValidationError(_('Password must have at least 8 characters')) def my_username_validator(form, field): username = field.data if len(username) < 4: raise ValidationError(_('Username must be at least 4 characters long')) if not username.isalnum(): raise ValidationError(_('Username may only contain letters and numbers')) user_manager = UserManager(db_adapter, password_validator=my_password_validator, username_validator=my_username_validator) user_manager.init_app(app) Password hashing ---------------- To hash a password, Flask-User: * calls ``user_manager.hash_password()``, * which calls ``user_manager.password_crypt_context``, * which is initialized to ``CryptContext(schemes=[app.config['USER_PASSWORD_HASH']])``, * where ``USER_PASSWORD_HASH = 'bcrypt'``. See http://pythonhosted.org/passlib/new_app_quickstart.html Developers can customize the password hashing in the following ways: **By changing an application config setting**:: USER_PASSWORD_HASH = 'sha512_crypt' **By changing the crypt_context**:: my_password_crypt_context = CryptContext( schemes=['bcrypt', 'sha512_crypt', 'pbkdf2_sha512']) user_manager = UserManager(db_adapter, app, password_crypt_context=my_password_crypt_context) **By sub-classing hash_password()**:: class MyUserManager(UserManager): def hash_password(self, password): return self.password def verify_password(self, password, password_hash) return self.hash_password(password) == password_hash **Backward compatibility with Flask-Security** Flask-Security performs a SHA512 HMAC prior to calling passlib. To continue using passwords that have been generated with Flask-Security, add the following settings to your application config: :: # Keep the following Flaks and Flask-Security settings the same SECRET_KEY = ... SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH = ... SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = ... # Set Flask-Security backward compatibility mode USER_PASSWORD_HASH_MODE = 'Flask-Security' USER_PASSWORD_HASH = SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH USER_PASSWORD_SALT = SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT View Functions -------------- The built-in View Functions contain considerable business logic, so we recommend first trying the approach of :ref:`customizingformtemplates` before making use of customized View Functions. Custom view functions are specified by setting an property on the Flask-User's UserManager object:: # View functions user_manager = UserManager(db_adapter, change_password_view_function = my_view_function1, change_username_view_function = my_view_function2, confirm_email_view_function = my_view_function3, email_action_view_function = my_view_function4, forgot_password_view_function = my_view_function5, login_view_function = my_view_function6, logout_view_function = my_view_function7, manage_emails_view_function = my_view_function8, register_view_function = my_view_function9, resend_email_confirmation_view_function = my_view_function10, reset_password_view_function = my_view_function11, ) user_manager.init_app(app) Token Generation ---------------- To be documented. Emails ------ Emails are generated using Flask Jinja2 template files. Flask will first look for template files in the application's ``templates`` directory before looking in Flask-User's ``templates`` directory. Emails can thus be customized by copying the built-in Email template files from the Flask-User directory to your application's directory and editing the new copy. Flask-User typically installs in the ``flask_user`` sub-directory of the Python packages directory. The location of this directory depends on Python, virtualenv and pip and can be determined with the following command:: python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib();" Let's assume that: * The Python packages dir is: ``~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/`` * The Flask-User dir is: ``~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_user/`` * Your app directory is: ``~/path/to/YOURAPP/YOURAPP`` (your application directory typically contains the 'static' and 'templates' sub-directories). The built-in Email template files can be copied like so:: cd ~/path/to/YOURAPP/YOURAPP mkdir -p templates/flask_user/emails cp ~/.virtualenvs/ENVNAME/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_user/templates/flask_user/emails/* templates/flask_user/emails/. Each email type has three email template files. The 'registered' email for example has the following files:: templates/flask_user/emails/registered_subject.txt # The email subject line templates/flask_user/emails/registered_message.html # The email message in HTML format templates/flask_user/emails/registered_message.txt # The email message in Text format Each file is extended from the base template file:: templates/flask_user/emails/base_subject.txt templates/flask_user/emails/base_message.html templates/flask_user/emails/base_message.txt The base template files are used to define email elements that are similar in all types of email messages. | If, for example, for every email you want to: | - Set the background color and padding, | - Start with a logo and salutation, and | - End with a signature, | you can define ``templates/flask_user/emails/base_message.html`` like so ::

Dear Customer,

{% block message %}{% endblock %}

The Flask-User Team

and define the confirmation specific messages in ``templates/flask_user/emails/confirm_email_message.html`` like so:: {% extends "flask_user/emails/base_message.html" %} {% block message %}

Thank you for registering with Flask-User.

Visit the link below to complete your registration:

Confirm your email address.

If you did not initiate this registration, you may safely ignore this email.

{% endblock %} .. _CustomizingSQLDbAdapter: SQLDbAdapter ------------------- Flask-User uses SQLDbAdapter and installs Flask-SQLAlchemy by default. No customization is required to work with SQL databases. Configure the ``SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI`` setting in your app config to point to the desired server and database. -------- .. _CustomizingMongoDbAdapter: MongoDbAdapter -------------------- Flask-User ships with a MongoDbAdapter, but Flask-MongoEngine must be installed manually:: pip install Flask-MongeEngine and minor customization is required to use and configure the MongoDbAdapter:: # Setup Flask-MongoEngine from Flask-MongoEngine import MongoEngine db = MongoEngine(app) # Customize Flask-User class CustomUserManager(UserManager): def customize(self, app): # Use the provided MongoDbAdapter from flask_user.db_adapters import MongoDbAdapter self.db_adapter = MongoDbAdapter(app, db) # Define the User document # NB: Make sure to add flask_user UserMixin !!! class User(db.Document, UserMixin): # User authentication information username = db.StringField(default='') email = db.StringField(default='') password = db.StringField() email_confirmed_at = db.DateTimeField(default=None) # User information first_name = db.StringField(default='') last_name = db.StringField(default='') # Relationships roles = db.ListField(db.StringField(), default=[]) # Setup Flask-User user_manager = CustomUserManager(app, db, User) Configure the ``MONGODB_SETTINGS`` setting in your app config to point to the desired server and database. -------- .. _CustomizingSMTPEmailAdapter: SMTPEmailAdapter ---------------- Flask-User uses the SMTPEmailAdapter and install Flask-Mail by default. No customization is required to use SMTPEmailAdapter to send emails via SMTP. Configure the ``MAIL_...`` settings in your app config to point to the desired SMTP server and account. -------- .. _CustomizingSendmailEmailAdapter: SendmailEmailAdapter -------------------- Flask-User ships with a SendmailEmailAdapter, but Flask-Sendmail must be installed manually:: pip install Flask-Sendmail and minor customization is required use to SendmailEmailAdapter to send emails via ``sendmail``.:: # Customize Flask-User class CustomUserManager(UserManager): def customize(self, app): # Use the provided SendmailEmailAdapter from flask_user.email_adapters import SendmailEmailAdapter self.email_adapter = SendmailEmailAdapter(app) # Setup Flask-User user_manager = CustomUserManager(app, db, User) No configuration is required (other than setting up sendmail on your system). --------- .. _CustomizingSendgridEmailAdapter: SendgridEmailAdapter -------------------- Flask-User ships with a SendgridEmailAdapter, but sendgrid-python needs to be installed manually:: pip install sendgrid and minor customization is required to use SendgridEmailAdapter to send emais via SendGrid:: # Customize Flask-User class CustomUserManager(UserManager): def customize(self, app): # Use the provided SendgridEmailAdapter from flask_user.email_adapters import SendgridEmailAdapter self.email_adapter = SendgridEmailAdapter(app) # Setup Flask-User user_manager = CustomUserManager(app, db, User) Configuration: TBD.